Censemus Ergo Sumus

By Lo-Ping - Mon Sep 15, 3:30 pm


A Questionnaire for those who identify themselves as members of the movement known as #GamerGate


1) Who are you?

2) Why do you fight?

3) What do you feel is “wrong” with the video games industry at large? Be as detailed as possible. Cite sources where necessary.

4) What do you feel is “wrong” with the video games news outlets? Be as detailed as possible. Cite sources where necessary.

5) What do you feel are the video games news outlets “roles” in relation to the consumer?  In relation to the industry?

6) What you personally believe the best outcome of this movement would entail?

7) What do you think the movement as a whole believes the best outcome would entail?

Please, mail your answers to: reform.gamergate@gmail.com

Thank you.


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