Rumor: The Witcher II's protagonist to be aged.

By Lo-Ping - Fri Mar 18, 7:41 pm

According to contributor Karl (who WOULD be writing this but is very busy), the developers of The Witcher 2 hosted a special Livestream show for community members that had pre-purchased the game, during which they showed an interesting picture…

The above image was shown during this mysterious livestream. As you can tell the guy’s getting a distinct Vigo makeover if this isn’t just a stray piece of concept art meant to show how the game has progressed since the planning stages.

Could it be a preorder bonus? A quest that could make him older a’la Fable II? Who knows, it’s all speculation until we hear something from the developer. But hey, who doesn’t love speculation? Sound off in the comments as to what you think this image could mean!

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    No pre-order bonus. People been complaining Geralt looked way too young in early stages. They actually have modified Geralts face to look it more like the old Geralt from the first game. They had to prove it was the same geralt, but they made some final adjustments wich you see on the right. This is his final face that will star on covers, boxes, etc.

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